Oftentimes when we are struggling with physical limitations or injuries in the body a public yoga class will truly not serve us well. In fact, we can often find ourselves frustrated with the class or teacher when the truth is we need someone with in depth experience to help support us in our journey which will hopefully find our way back to public classes.  Whether it comes to specific situational modifications, alignments specialized to YOUR body, making space for areas of discomfort, dis-ease or pain, or simply slowing it down to what meets you best. 

I have a vast understanding of anatomy, biomechanics, and somatics. I listen to your needs, goals and desires.  During our first session I want to hear from you about what is going on. Your words and experience are so meaningful because they are truly shaping your current life situation. We will discuss and explore what the next steps will be that will best serve you in our sessions. Each session will expand upon the next and you will leave each time with  a few movements or techniques to try on your own at home. I keep the work at home small and digestible, really focusing on what is most important given our busy daily lives. 

Sessions: 75-90 Min @ $150, 5 Package @$727.50 [saves you 3%], 10 package @ $1,425 [saves you 5%]

I'm here to be of service while embracing the modern body and what serves it best - Allie

Sessions will begin with a therapeutic assessment and understanding of mobility and patterns going on in your body.

  • Therapeutic sessions will include a combination of movements that best fit your needs. They will include movement to support your chief complaint and what is specific to you on the day. They will include stretches, biomechanics, Strengthening, eccentrics, isolations, Myofascial release, gentle movements for the joints of the body, yin and restorative postures.

  • Breathwork or pranayama can help prepare the body and nervous system for the subtle body work. It can help to purify our systems, release stress, invite clarity and deeper relaxation into the session.

    This is an integral part of yoga. The breath is the gateway between the body and mind. It is our super power. Sessions will often begin with breath to center and ground and will usually complete with breath to down regulate the nervous systems opening us to deeper states of relaxation.

  • This will be a part of every yoga session whether it’s through guided relaxation in savasana, yoga nidra, or mantra meditation. Therapeutic sessions are designed to invite you to go within while being held in a safe container of presence and body awareness.

  • Yoga Therapeutic sessions are created to tune in to your energetic state. Allie is deeply attuned to sensing subtle body rhythms and will guide the session to promote optimal wellness, release and ease of flow within your system.

  • Integration from a yoga therapeutic session ends with cranial sacral therapy on the table similar but more potent than your average savasana. Allie will determine the right amount of time needed to settle, rest and let the body and mind integrate the yoga session. This is particular helpful in resetting new patterns and settling the nervous system. Integration can be anywhere for 20-45 minutes depending on what’s needed in the body and will leave you feeling deeply rejuvenated.